Sunday, November 2, 2014

Met Trip

In usual Rae fashion, I wondered into the American Art wing during our trip. So here are some photos that are relevant to what we have studied thus far. Whoops but the trip was great anyways, enjoy!

  • Nydia , The blind Flower girl of Pompeii
  • Marble
  • The dynamic movement in both her stance and clothing suggest a very advanced sense of human anatomy and movement. Her closed eyes suggest her blindness however she has a hand to her ear as if she is hearing the destruction that is occurring around her. Also the emotion in her face is amazing, and at first glance you can sympathize with her even though she is only stone. 

  • The Vine, Harriet Whitney Frishmuth
  • Cast Bronze 
  • Once a small statue only about 11 inches tall, this woman now stands at a monumental scale. She represents a dancer and holds a grapevine in her hand while standing on her tiptoes. She can be compared to the dying warriors seen in Greece. For example the amount of passion, expression and expression on on her face add a third element to the piece. Allowing the viewer to feel and almost move with her.


  •  Babes in the Wood, Thomas Crawford
  • Sculpted from Marble
  • This piece is the most tear inducing one, showing a sister and her older brother laying down sleeping int he woods. However they died in their sleep and were given a burial only from the nearby robin to cover them with leaves. They represent a folktale and also the stillness and peace that death brings. 

  • I included this photo of the ceiling in the rotunda of the met only because I really liked how the light and colors played in this one. 
Contest Photo: Me taking a selfie with my buds !

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